Guide Your Business Growth with our 90-Day Marketing Plan

Are you tired of struggling to keep up with the ever-changing world of marketing? Do you wish there was a clear roadmap to help your business thrive in today's competitive landscape? Look no further – the 90-Day Marketing Plan is here to revolutionize your marketing strategy and drive your business to new heights.

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What is the 90-Day Marketing Plan?

The 90-Day Marketing Plan is a dynamic and focused growth marketing strategy that enables businesses to achieve their marketing goals within a concise three-month timeframe. It provides a detailed roadmap for businesses to follow, helping them stay on track, adapt to market changes, and consistently achieve their marketing objectives.

Why Do Businesses Need A 90 Day Marketing Plan?

In the fast-paced world of marketing, a long-term marketing strategy can often become outdated or ineffective before it even gets off the ground. This is where the 90-Day Marketing Plan comes in.

Here's why your business needs it:

Agility and Adaptability

The 90-Day Marketing Plan is all about flexibility. In a rapidly changing marketplace, businesses need to be able to pivot quickly and adjust their strategies to align with new trends or unforeseen circumstances. With a 90-day focus, your business can remain agile and adapt to changes in real-time.


When you break your marketing strategy into 90-day increments, it becomes easier to track progress and hold your team accountable. You can clearly see what's working and what's not, making it simpler to make necessary adjustments and maximize your ROI.

Cost Efficiency

The shorter timeframe of a 90-Day Marketing Plan can also be cost-effective. You can allocate your budget more efficiently, avoiding long-term commitments that might not pay off.

Tangible Results

Traditional year-long marketing plans often leave businesses waiting months to see any real results. In contrast, the 90-Day Marketing Plan allows you to set shorter, achievable goals that lead to quick wins and a sense of accomplishment. This immediate gratification can be a powerful motivator for your team.


With a 90-day plan, your team can concentrate on specific marketing initiatives without being distracted by long-term projects. This focus can lead to better quality work and improved results.

Competitive Advantage

By consistently reassessing your marketing strategy every 90 days, you can stay ahead of your competitors who are still stuck with traditional, inflexible plans.

In the world of marketing, a 90-day plan is not just a roadmap; it's the accelerator that propels your business forward, turning goals into achievements with each passing day.

a woman wearing a suit and a necklace smiles for the camera

Emilia Andrews,

COO,  Beholder Agency

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What Types of Businesses Need It?

The 90-Day Marketing Plan is a versatile growth marketing strategy and plan that can benefit a wide range of businesses, including:


New businesses often need to make quick progress and generate revenue as soon as possible. A 90-Day Marketing Plan can help startups establish their presence and attract their first customers.

Small Businesses

Small businesses with limited resources can benefit from the cost efficiency and flexibility of a 90-Day Marketing Plan. It allows them to compete with larger competitors without breaking the bank.

growing Business

Even well-established businesses can benefit from a 90-Day Marketing Plan. It enables them to continually refine their strategies, stay relevant, and respond to changing market dynamics.

E-commerce Stores

In the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape, the ability to adapt quickly is crucial. E-commerce stores can use the 90-Day Marketing Plan to optimize their online presence and boost sales.

Everything you need, all in one place

What's Included in our 90 day marketing plan?

a person holding a tablet with a mountain on the screen
a group of people putting their hands together in front of a paper that says
a man is typing on a laptop that says esquire on the screen

Clear Goals and Objectives

Start by setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals for the next 90 days. These goals should align with your overall business objectives.

Target Audience Analysis

Identify your target audience and create detailed buyer personas. Understanding your audience is crucial for crafting effective marketing campaigns.

Competitive Analysis

Research your competitors to gain insights into their strengths and weaknesses. This information can help you find opportunities to outperform them.

Marketing Channels

Determine which marketing channels are most suitable for reaching your target audience. This may include social media, email marketing, content marketing, SEO, paid advertising, and more.

Content Strategy

Develop a content marketing plan that outlines the type of content you'll create and how it aligns with your goals. Content can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more.

Budget Allocation

Allocate your marketing budget across various channels and activities. Ensure that your spending aligns with your goals and expected ROI.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Identify KPIs that will help you measure the success of your marketing efforts. These could include website traffic, conversion rates, email open rates, and revenue generated.


Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • How is the 90-Day Marketing Plan different from a traditional annual marketing plan?

    The key difference lies in the timeframe and flexibility. While traditional annual plans are set for an entire year, the 90-Day Marketing Plan focuses on shorter, more adaptable intervals. This allows businesses to pivot quickly and respond to changing market conditions.

  • Can any business use a 90-Day Marketing Plan?

    Yes, the 90-Day Marketing Plan is suitable for a wide range of businesses, from startups to established enterprises. Its flexibility and adaptability make it a valuable marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes and industries.

  • How do I know if my 90-Day Marketing Plan is working?

    To measure the success of your plan, you should regularly track key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your goals. If you're meeting or exceeding your KPIs, it's a sign that your plan is effective. If not, it's time to reassess and make adjustments.

  • Is it possible to create a 90-Day Marketing Plan on a limited budget?

    Absolutely. In fact, the 90-Day Marketing Plan can be cost-effective because it allows you to allocate your budget more efficiently and see quicker returns on your investments. You can start small and scale up as you see results.

  • How do I ensure that my team stays focused on the 90-Day Plan?

    Clear communication and regular check-ins are essential. Ensure that your team understands the goals and objectives of the plan and assign specific responsibilities to team members. Regularly review progress to keep everyone on track.

  • What happens if unexpected market changes occur during the 90 days?

    The flexibility of the 90-Day Marketing Plan allows you to adapt to unexpected changes. If market conditions shift, you can quickly adjust your growth marketing strategy to stay relevant and competitive.

  • Can I combine a 90-Day Marketing Plan with a long-term strategy?

    Yes, many businesses use a 90-Day Marketing Plan as part of their overall growth marketing strategy. The short-term focus complements long-term planning and ensures that the business remains agile and responsive.

  • How do I get started with a 90-Day Marketing Plan?

    To get started, first define your goals and objectives for the next 90 days. Then, conduct a thorough analysis of your target audience and competitors. Develop a detailed plan that includes budget allocation, content strategy, and a timeline. Regularly review and adapt your plan based on performance data.

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